This collection brings together current and historical publications and resources to support research and practice in the language, literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy/skills (LLND) community. Some of these resources, not previously available in digital format, have been generously donated by the Australian Council for Adult Literacy (ACAL) and Charles Darwin University (CDU). Resources are Australian in origin unless otherwise labelled.
This section provides access to Australian and international research, policy and resources.
Digital literacy/Digital skills
Digital literacy/Digital skills
This section collates journals and newsletters.
Literacy and numeracy studies: an international journal in the education and training of adults
Open letter: Australian journal for adult literacy research and practice
Literacy now: adult English language and literacy
Literacy update: adult English language and literacy newsletter
National International Literacy Year (ILY) update
Adult Literacy and Numeracy Australian Research Consortium (ALNARC) collection
Adult Literacy National Project (ALNP) collection
Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) Programme resources
This section draws together the donated resources from the Australian Council for Adult Literacy (ACAL) and Charles Darwin University (CDU).
This section provides links to other resources on the VOCEDplus website.