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The VET workforce > Professional development

Browse information and resources about the size and profile, work life, and professional development needs of the VET workforce.

Resources on this page are a mix of free and for purchase and are categorised as 'research' or 'focus on practice'. All resources listed are Australian in origin unless otherwise labelled.


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What's new in Professional development

  • Velg Training [added 26 February 2024]
  • Answers powered by Accellier: TAE Cert IV course answers from the experts [added 8 January 2024]
    (Source: Accellier on YouTube)
    Accellier is an RTO and offers a range of nationally recognised courses in education and business, Australia wide through online and face to face courses. This YouTube channel from Accellier presents a range of webinars providing support, free advice, ideas and tips to help VET practitioners complete the TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment courses.
  • Ako Aotearoa 2023 professional learning course schedule [New Zealand] [for purchase] [added 28 September 2023]
    Ako Aotearoa is a government-funded organisation committed to supporting New Zealand's tertiary sector teachers, trainers and educators. Ako Aotearoa offers a wide variety of professional learning opportunities, including both publically scheduled workshops and the option to tailor our courses for bespoke organisation bookings. Digital badges are awarded for selected workshops and courses.
  • Advanced RPL Credentials [for purchase] [added 27 July 2023]
    (Source: Skills Education)
    This new series of microcredentials produced in conjunction with CatoHR, who wrote the course content, is designed to support advanced professional practice in the design and development of assessment Toolkits for use in Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). The credentials offer professionals the opportunity to progress their knowledge and skills in RPL processes, benefits, and application through self-paced online courses with mentor support.
    There are two main streams:
    • RPL
    • Developing clustering assessments
      Both of which have options to be undertaken as a:
      • Learn and assess pathway (microcredential)
      • Assessment only pathway (microcredential)
      • Learning Program (no assessment so just mentored PD program)
  • ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in higher education: quick start guide [international, added 19 July, 2023]
    (Source: UNESCO)
    This guide provides an overview of how ChatGPT works and explains how it can be used in higher education. The Quick Start Guide raises some of the main challenges and ethical implications of AI in higher education and offers practical steps that higher education institutions can take.

About professional development


  • To be compliant, registered training organisations in Australia must adhere to the Standards for RTOs 2015. Clause 1.16 states that:
    • 'The RTO ensures that all trainers and assessors undertake professional development in the fields of the knowledge and practice of vocational training, learning and assessment including competency-based training and assessment. Professional development means activities that develop and/or maintain an individual’s skills, knowledge, expertise and other characteristics as a trainer or assessor. This includes both formal and informal activities that encompass vocational competencies, currency of industry skills and knowledge and practice of vocational training, learning and assessment, including competency based training and assessment.
    • Examples of professional development activities include: (a) participation in courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, or formal learning programs; (b) participation in mentoring, professional associations or other learning networks; (c)  personal development through individual research or reading of publications or other relevant information; (d) participation in moderation or validation activities; and (e) participation in industry release schemes'. [From Glossary]
  • Further information can be found in the Users’ Guide to the Standards for RTOs 2015, chapter 4 - Training and assessment / Clauses 1.13 to 1.16, published by ASQA.

Free resources


  • Continuing professional development for a diverse VET practitioner workforce [2017]
    (Source: NCVER)
    This occasional paper provides a stocktake of recent developments in continuing professional development for VET practitioners. It explores issues such as industry currency, the debate around a professional association for VET and the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment as the minimum qualification for VET practitioners. Through synthesising the literature, the paper highlights enduring issues for continuing professional development in VET, such as the need to address both pedagogical knowledge and industry skills, and the necessity for individuals to actively engage and willingly participate in professional development in order for changes in practice to occur.
  • Practitioner experiences and expectations with the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAA40104)
    (Source: NCVER)
  • Professional development in the vocational education and training workforce [2010]
    (Source: NCVER)
    This paper explores a range of issues related to the development of the VET workforce. It examines key issues underpinning professional development structures and proposes a set of features integral to a comprehensive workforce development strategy. In particular it looks at the suitability of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, pathways to other educational qualifications, the feasibility of introducing a registration system for teachers and trainers, and potential changes to regulatory arrangements to help improve the take-up of professional development at provider level.

Focus on practice

  • Atlas of emerging trends in new qualifications and competencies in TVET [BILT Atlas] [international]
    (Source: UNESCO-UNEVOC)
    This resource will help TVET stakeholders reflect upon, and share knowledge about, the challenges and opportunities facing TVET systems. The Atlas works within the BILT framework of three Is: identification, integration and implementation of new qualifications and competencies in TVET. It has a special focus on the twin transition of greening and digitalization affecting the future of work and society.
  • iLearn eCollege pre-recorded webinars
    Specialising in the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, iLearn eCollege is a Registered Training Organisation delivering nationally recognised training courses to students across Australia. These pre-recorded webinars cover topics such as developing quality assessment tools, RPL and conducting valid assessment, addressing adult LLN skills, and preparing and delivering group based training.
  • Professional development framework for vocational skills of VET practitioners: a guide on how to maintain and enhance the vocational skills of VET [2009]
    (Source: Western Australian Department of Education and Training)
  • Signposts: a professional development resource for new tertiary teachers [NZ, 2010]
    The main purpose of this guide is to support new tertiary teachers at the start of their new role. The guide is sectioned into a series of one-page 'signposts' explaining key ideas of teaching and learning in simple, straightforward ways.
  • Teaching and Learning Circles: developing reflective practice and enhancing teaching culture [report/resource pack, New Zealand, 2020]
    Teaching and Learning Circles (TLCs) are a facilitated peer observation of teaching and a professional development opportunity for tertiary teachers. The project offers evidence of the impact of TLCs on collegiality, confidence and competence among tertiary educators. Outputs include a research report and a resource pack.
  • VET Practitioner Capability Framework and implementation guide [2013]
    (Source: Innovation and Business Skills Australia)
    The 2011 Productivity Commission report Vocational Education and Training Workforce, Innovation and Business Skills Australia's (IBSA's) own Environmental Scan, and internal work in relation to the TAE10 Training Package, led IBSA to develop a Capability Framework for VET practitioners. The implementation guide is designed to assist the professional development decisions of VET practitioners by enabling them to self assess their strengths and development needs against the VET Capability Framework, using the tools developed by IBSA for this purpose.
  • Victorian TAFE Network Registry
    This network registry provides a topic based list of professional contacts to enable the TAFE sector to communicate with colleagues interested in similar issues. It allows teachers, practitioners and coordinators to build their professional capability through exploring ideas, innovation, solutions and initiatives in a collegiate environment.

For purchase

These are examples only of commercial producers of professional development resources. Inclusion on this list does not signify endorsement by NCVER.

  • MRWED VET in Action Webinar Series
    (Source: MRWED Training and Assessment)
    This website provides access to a series of fee-based webinars that focus that aim to assist VET practitioners develop their professional skills and knowledge. The sessions relate to specific clauses of the Standards for RTOs 2015 and include tips, tools, strategies and templates that practitioners can implement in their workplace.
    Topics include:
    • Unpacking Training Packages
    • Training games that support learning transfer
    • Embedding Pedagogy into practice
    • Designing quality assessment strategies
  • RTO Advice Group
    RTO Advice Group was established 10 years ago and has been providing high-quality consulting services and RTO resources (Eduworks Resources) to our clients ever since. RTO Advice Group offers a range of professional development webinars, and our professional development portal VETevolve which is professional development modules that can be completed anytime anywhere.
  • Vocational Competency and Equivalence Mapping Tool Template
    (Source: Training Tools)
    It is a compliance requirement that trainers and assessors have vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed, and this mapping tool template gives a perfect framework to document relevant knowledge, skills and experience.

Industry currency


Free resources


For purchase

These are examples only of commercially available products. Inclusion on this list does not signify endorsement by NCVER.

Professional development opportunities

Free resources

Focus on practice

  • ACEVic Adult Literacy and Numeracy Practitioner Program
    This online professional development program has been designed for practitioners delivering adult literacy and numeracy pre-accredited programs in Victoria. It aims to improve practitioners knowledge and skills in adult literacy and numeracy practice.
  • Professional development for RTO staff in Victoria
    (Source: State Government of Victoria)
    This website contains details of the following professional development opportunities:
  • VET Development Centre (VDC)
  • Training Virtual Campus
  • International Specialist Skills Institute (ISS)
  • Scholarships
    • Fulbright Professional Scholarship in Vocational Education and Training
      Established in 2005 and funded by the  Department of Education and Training, the scholarship involves the undertaking of an educational program concerning current VET policy or practice, the outcomes of which must inform and benefit the wider VET sector in Australia.
    • International Specialised Skills Institute Fellowships
      The fellowships offer the chance to travel overseas and undertake applied international research, often used in education, training and across industries with the intention of generating actionable knowledge, finding solutions or developing innovative practice.
      • VET International Practitioner Fellowships
        These Fellowships are available to VET practitioners who are employed within Victorian Government contracted Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), including TAFEs, private RTOs and Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board registered Learn Local Providers.
    • NSW Premier's Teacher Scholarships [NSW only]
      Open to teachers in NSW government and non-government schools, TAFE NSW campuses and early childhood centres.
  • TAC Education Program Calendar
    The Training and Accreditation Council WA (TAC) is Western Australia's registering and course accrediting body. It is responsible for the quality assurance and recognition of VET services in WA. TAC delivers an education program throughout the year. Support material and professional development opportunities are primarily aimed at trainers, assessors, compliance and quality assurance staff and include: recordings and resources, fact sheets, users' guide, FAQs, and TAC Talks podcasts.
  • The LH Martin Institute
    Offers a variety of courses both award and non-award, focusing on leadership and governance for the tertiary sector.
  • VET PD Group
    This community of practice provides curated content as a free service to the VET sector and VET practitioners. It offers:

For purchase

These are examples only of commercial producers of professional development resources. Inclusion on this list does not signify endorsement by NCVER.

Further research

Free resources

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Organisations and associations

Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)

AARE logoAARE is a national professional association of educational researchers in Australia. Established in 1970, the association provides support for successive generations of educational researchers from Australian universities; local, state and federal governments; early childhood education contexts; schools, colleges, vocational and training organisations; as well as private research agencies. Its objectives centre on advancing scholarly inquiry into education, enhancing quality in educational research, and seeking to promote and advocate for the positive impact of educational research on policy and practice in education and associated areas of society.

AARE publications in VOCEDplus


Australian Vocational Education and Training Professionals Association (AVETPA)

AVETPA logoThe Australian Vocational Education and Training Professionals Association (AVETPA) has been established to enhance the professional standing of vocational education and training (VET) practitioners within the community and to build professional development and educational pathways for members. 

The key objectives of AVETPA are to provide firstly the recognition of a VET practitioner's training credentials via membership grading (Member, Associate Fellow & Fellow), secondly to provide an avenue for the recognition of ongoing professional development and activities via membership upgrade and/or the CPT (Certified Practising Trainer) program and thirdly to enable practitioners within VET to have a voice in the complicated network associated with this critical educational sector.


Australasian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA)

AVETRA logoThe Australasian VET Research Association (AVETRA) is a long standing, independent association made up of academics, researchers and VET practitioners. Its aim is to promote, encourage and disseminate research into vocational education and training. To help achieve this it, for example, publishes 'A News', 'Research Today' and the scholarly 'International Journal of Training Research'. It runs conferences and forums as well as an annual conference, sometimes under the 'OctoberVET' banner. The forums recently have focused on both practitioner research and recent developments in VET. AVETRA's events are open to both members and non-members and are competitively priced to enable participation for those who cannot secure employer or other external sponsorship. Members also receive a substantial discount.

AVETRA publications in VOCEDplus

Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA)

ITECA is an association for private education and training providers and practitioners. ITECA provide professional services to its members to help build their capability to deliver and support best practice tertiary education and training. ITECA provides professional development webinars for members on areas such as assessment, e-learning, online and blended learning, and training techniques.

ACPET / ITECA publications in VOCEDplus

VET Development Centre (VDC)

The VET Development Centre (VDC) provides professional learning for the Australian VET workforce, with a particular focus on VET practitioners and educators. VDC is not a membership based organisation, nor an advocacy body, so no membership fees apply. A real strength of the VDC is the diversity of attendance at its professional learning programs, with TAFE, private provider, learn local providers and VET in Schools teachers all participating together in professional learning.

As a non-profit organisation supported by the Victorian Government, VDC is able to provide a diverse range of best practice professional learning activities at reduced rates. In addition, the VDC is funded by the Victorian Government to provide free training to all Skills First contracted training providers. Evaluation surveys for all programs offered consistently average satisfaction ratings in excess of 90 per cent for VDC workshops and webinars, as well exceptional attendance rates.

The VDC Professional Learning Program offers an extensive range of CPD opportunities for the Australian VET workforce under five topic areas through one hour webinars, half and full day workshops as well as a range of special events. The latest training offerings on assessment essentials, leadership and management, mapping and validation, quality compliance and auditing, and teaching and learning strategies can be found on the VDC website under Professional Development.

VDC is currently delivering a record number of free training programs for Skills First Providers on behalf of the Victorian Department of Education and Training. Visit the VDC website page, Funded Opportunities, to see details of the programs.

VDC publications in VOCEDplus

Velg Training

Velg Training is a member serving organisation and provider of vocational education and training (VET) professional development and consulting services. Velg Training's professional development events and products have been purposefully shaped to educate, inspire and empower you! Velg Training continues to provide quality, flexible and innovative online events that drive strategic thinking, develop relevant and insightful skills, and focus on future-proofing your knowledge. Velg Training wants to ensure you can access PD that suits you!


VELG publications in VOCEDplus

Victorian TAFE Association

VTA logoThe Victorian TAFE Association (VTA) is the peak body for Victorian TAFE institutes and dual sector universities. The Association represents the sector in dealings with government, industry and community stakeholders; harnesses and develops the collective capacity of the network; and facilitates collaboration between members.

VTA is an active supporter of the use of research to inform VET practice and our understanding of VET. The Association commissions research, publishes case studies from across the sector, hosts an applied research webinar series and provides resources and supports for VET practitioner researchers.

Visit the VTA website and click on the 'research' tab.

VTA publications in VOCEDplus


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