Water, transport, oil and food: a political-economy-ecology lens on changing conceptions of work, learning and skills development in Africa

Not enough has been said about the kinds of skills development that are needed if we are to stem the rising tides and impacts of political economies that have largely been driving what some call 'fossil capital'. This chapter develops an emerging argument that it is necessary to also rethink and reframe vocational education and training (VET) logics and approaches if the implications of a warming future are to be fully considered. This chapter provides the context of why this is such an urgent challenge and some thinking tools for understanding where we have come from and where we need to go.

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Authors: Lotz-Sisitka, Heila

Published: Bristol, England, Bristol University Press, 2023

Resource type: Book chapter

Access item: https://doi.org/10.51952/9781529224658.ch003

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