How can the expansion of the apprenticeship system in India create conditions for greater equity and social justice?

This paper reports on aspects of a recent project carried out for the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Bank, which was designed to feed into the process of updating and expanding India's apprenticeship system. The apprenticeship system in India is extremely small for the country's population, even taking into account the high proportion of jobs that are in the informal economy, and is subject to very rigid regulation. Expansion of the system has been seen as vital in order to improve the supply of skills to the rapidly expanding economy, and also to address issues of dispa ... Show more

Authors: Smith, Erica; Brennan Kemmis, Roslin; Comyn, Paul

Published: Footscray, Victoria, Adult Learning Australia, 2014

Resource type: Article

Access item: Request Item from NCVERPublisher or alternative source

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