Micro-credentials are also known as digital badges, nano degrees, micro-certifications, web badges, mini degrees and open badges. Compared to a degree, diploma, certificate or other lengthy accredited training, micro-credentials focus on smaller elements of learning. They are mini qualifications often gained by participating in short, free or low-cost online courses. These smaller blocks of learning can formalise soft and hard skills attained at work, such as teamwork, critical thinking and problem solving. They can also help fill skill gaps, such as working with big data.
Regular upskilling is recognised as essential for the future, making micro-credentialing an increasingly popular and accessible option for lifelong learning. Micro-credentials offer students a pathway to higher education and help employees develop specific skills. Because the technology can capture and communicate what skills and knowledge a student has attained, micro-credentials are also a valuable tool for people to demonstrate both what they can do today and their future potential. Employees may consider them more advantageous than unaccredited and inhouse training which, while popular with employers, fail to offer formal recognition of learning that can enhance an individual's career development.
As they become more prevalent, micro-credentials also have the potential to be an efficient, cost-effective and flexible means for employers to use to certify learning outcomes. Thus, micro-credentials are likely to improve labour mobility to the benefit of the economy and the individual.
In Australia, micro-credentials are forming part of recent discussions on the future of work, lifelong learning and the tertiary education sector. Future-proof: Australia's future post-secondary education and skills system finds, through stakeholder consultation, micro-credentials are beginning to be utilised in vocational and higher education and forming an important part of lifelong learning. However, Lifelong skills: equipping Australians for the future of work warns the full-cost recovery basis of non-traditional pathways could be a barrier to the groups who would benefit most from this mode of training. Micro-credentials have also been identified as recent developments to be taken into consideration in the Australian Qualifications Framework review and the TAFE SA Strategic Capability Review.
Research on implementing micro-credentials in Australian higher education includes:
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) recently consulted on recognising micro-credentials alongside formal qualifications within the Government's regulated education and training system. The consultation paper explains the need for a training system that responds flexibly to the rapid technological, social and economic changes globally, and sees micro-credentials providing opportunities for workers to develop skills and knowledge throughout their working lives. The consultation sought feedback on the definition, recognition, and quality of assurance of micro-credential provision. The summary of consultation feedback and next steps can be found on NZQA's website.
International research examining the use of micro-credentials and digital badging to improve access to further education, professional development and employment includes:
Published: December 2018
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