A new design and regulatory framework for technical education in England

The author outlines the new design and regulatory framework for technical education in England in this briefing, highlighting the role of the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education which, from April 2018, will be responsible for the development and regulation of the technical education sector. The overall aim is to establish technical education as a credible, coherent and high-quality alternative to A-level qualifications and the bachelor degree. Technical education will comprise apprenticeships, college-based programmes and approved technical qualifications.

The author argues th ... Show more

Authors: Parry, Gareth

Published: London, England, Centre for Global Higher Education, UCL Institute of Education, 2017

Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

Physical description: [2] p.

Access item: http://www.researchcghe.org/publications/a-new-design-and-regulatory-framework-for-technical-education-in-england/

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