Improving the outcomes of youth with medical limitations through comprehensive training and employment services: evidence from the National Job Corps Study
[The authors] use data from a randomized evaluation of the Job Corps program to understand its impacts for youth with limitations from medical conditions. Job Corps was originally designed for economically disadvantaged youth facing education or employment barriers due to their community living environment. The program provides all enrollees with an integrated package of work-focused supports including general education, vocational training, soft skills development, and ultimately job placement.
[The authors'] findings provide new information about the program's impacts for approximately 470 yo ... Show more
Authors: Hock, Heinrich; Luca, Dara Lee; Kautz, Tim; Stapleton, David C.
Published: Princeton, New Jersey, Mathematica Policy Research, 2017
Resource type: Report, paper or authored book
Physical description: [58] p.
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