Supporting dyslexic trainees in classroom and workplace environments

Dyslexia is a real, but often hidden, issue among the farming community. Some researchers estimate that one in five rural residents in New Zealand may be affected by the condition, which usually manifests itself in reading, spelling and arithmetic problems. The Primary ITO [industry training organisation] has taken steps to support those learners. This project built on that work by investigating: (1) how trainees with dyslexia can be supported in workplaces and classrooms; and (2) how they can be assisted with the transition between these two environments.

Trainees, tutors, training advisers an ... Show more

Authors: Farrell, Marianne; Styles, Mike; Petersen, Lesley K.

Published: Wellington, New Zealand, Ako Aotearoa (National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence), 2016

Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

Physical description: 30 p.

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