The second International Lifelong Learning Conference, held between 16-19 June 2002 in Yeppoon, Central Queensland, contained presentations from a number of disciplines ranging from education to engineering and from business to the medical sciences. This volume contains the keynote and refereed papers from the conference. They are: Graduate attributes, why and how / Hunter Boylan (p. 1-9); Learning cities for a learning century / Norman Longworth (p. 10-35); The lifelong learning exchange in Singapore and its parallels in large public companies / Ian Napier (p. 36-42); Getting connected, getti
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The second International Lifelong Learning Conference, held between 16-19 June 2002 in Yeppoon, Central Queensland, contained presentations from a number of disciplines ranging from education to engineering and from business to the medical sciences. This volume contains the keynote and refereed papers from the conference. They are: Graduate attributes, why and how / Hunter Boylan (p. 1-9); Learning cities for a learning century / Norman Longworth (p. 10-35); The lifelong learning exchange in Singapore and its parallels in large public companies / Ian Napier (p. 36-42); Getting connected, getting ahead: developing research students' information skills in an online learning environment / Wendy Abbott and Dianne Selzer (p. 43-49); Building learning communities through technology / Rozz Albon and Sue Trinidad (p. 50-56); Learning through rich assessment and mediation in a university / Rozz Albon (p. 57-66); Developing external students' graduate qualities: how can current practice be improved? / Sandra Barker (p. 67-76); Nursing education: generic attributes vs. cultural traditions / Julie Bradshaw and Leone Hinton (p. 77-80); Life is a cabaret, old chum!: investigating the process of bringing theatrical performance skills from the studio to the stage / Judith Elizabeth Brown (p. 81-89); Issues in the interpretation of the Australian Information Literacy Standards / Ralph Catts (p. 90-99); Using problem based learning to hone information literacy and independent learning skills / Dianne Chambers (p. 100-107); Embedding graduate attributes in law - why, how and is it working? / Sharon Christensen and Natalie Cuffe (p. 108-118); Subject portals: a new information delivery model to enhance teaching and learning / Judith Clark (p. 119-125); Trialing a graduate outcome capability framework: an evaluation / Kerry Cochrane, Mary Jane Mahony, Zelma Bone and Don Squires (p. 126-134); Institutional research into generic skills and graduate attributes: constraints & dilemmas / Gay Crebert (p. 135-142); The importance of self and development of identity in learning / Susan Crichton and Ellen Kinsel (p. 143-151); Co-operative communities and problem based lifelong learning: issues in educational delivery to Australian circus people / Geoff Danaher, Beverley Moriarty and Patrick Danaher (p. 152-158); Towards an ethical discourse in using lifelong learning skills for the future: findings from the education of university bridging students and show people / Patrick Danaher, Phyllida Coombes, Geoff Danaher and Emilio A. Anteliz (p. 159-164); Needles, haystacks, filters and me: the IT confidence dilemma / Sylvia Lauretta Edwards and Christine Susan Bruce (p. 165-171); Older adults and learning: a critique of participation and provision / Brian Findsen (p. 172-180); Intersecting instrumental, social, and cultural education to build and sustain inclusive lifelong-learning communities / Grace Andre (p. 181-187); Wearing two hats: teacher and learner / Janet Gregory and Trevor Tyson (p. 188-194); Generic capabilities and the information professional: embedding generic capabilities into QUT's Library and Information Studies (LIS) curriculum / Gillian Hallam and Helen Partridge (p. 195-200); Lifelong learning in the vocational education workplace: implications of a distance vocational teacher education program / Bobby Harreveld, Patrick Danaher and Mairin Kenny (p. 201-207); Information literacy with an international focus / Hilary Hughes (p. 208-213); Building and sustaining learning communities: the case of the University of the Third Age (U3A) / Rosalind Hurworth (p. 214-215); ?Reflection': a teaching and learning strategy to facilitate a deep approach to learning during undergraduate student clinical practicum experiences / Lynn Jamieson, Kerry Reid Searl, Trudy Dwyer (p. 221-227); Teaching the teacher - how the isolated community can grow and develop artistically from the input of expertise / Garrick Jones (p. 228-235); Leadership for dynamic learning communities / Sue Kilpatrick, Ian Falk and Susan Johns (p. 236-241); The higher-lifelong cyber learning in Korea: problems and potentials / Sung-Ho Kwon, Sook-Young Ryu, Youn-Kyung Seo and June Lee (p. 242-246); Beyond Aboriginalism and culturalism in building an Indigenous teacher lifelong learning community: lessons from a Torres Strait Islander distance in-service teacher education program / Natasha Lamb, Wayne C. Arizmendi, Nea Stewart-Dore and Patrick Danaher (p. 247-252); Providing guidelines for first year assessment tasks as a means of developing core graduate attributes: nurturing or spoon feeding? / Elizabeth Levin and Irene Tempone (p. 253-262); Attempts to advocate information literacy as a conceptual and process-oriented continuum of skills into system-wide outcomes / Rod Linhart (p. 266-273); Our story - telling I.T. / Cathy Nielsen (p. 274-280); Understanding and influencing a learning community: researchers' ways of seeing the significance and value of research projects / Binh Pham, Christine Bruce and Ian Stoodley (p. 281-287); An assessment process with a difference - an avenue for nurses to regain their registration / Kerry Reid Searl and Jenny Anastasi (p. 288-293); Promoting an effective learning environment whilst considering the realities of a practice setting / Kerry Reid Searl, Lynn Jamieson and Trudy Dwyer (p. 294-299); Self-directed learning: a strategy for lifelong learning / Rossi Dolene (p. 300-306); Learning communities - harnessing excitement in the dyad to reduce anxiety in the large group / Trevor Tyson and Janet Gregory (p. 307-312); Flexibility and the mode of teaching / Toy White (p. 313-318); Learning how to learn and lifelong learning / Toy White (p. 319-326).
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