European perspectives on learning at work: the acquisition of work process knowledge

The aim of this book is to provide a theoretical understanding of the concept of work process knowledge and to examine its practical application. It is presented in seven main sections. The first section, ‘Introduction and overview’, contains: Work process knowledge: origins of the concept and current developments / Martin Fischer, Nicholas Boreham (p. 12-53). The second section, ‘Individual and organisational dimensions of work process knowledge’, contains: The value of internal knowledge: work process knowledge and corporate restructuring / Michele Mariani, Massimo Mazza (p. 56-70); Local kn ... Show more

Authors: Fischer, Martin; Boreham, Nick; Nyhan, Barry

Published: Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2004

Resource type: Edited book

Physical description: 400 p.

Access item: Request Item from NCVER

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