Measuring soft outcomes and distance travelled: a review of current practice

This report presents the findings from a study commissioned by the European Social Fund (ESF) to develop a model for measuring 'distance travelled' under ESF supported projects and to identify tools for measuring individual employability gains with a view to developing proposals for monitoring 'soft' indicators at the national level. A review of existing literature which incorporated a survey of ESF-funded projects provided the basis of the information which was then used to design and develop a model to measure 'distance travelled'. Definitions of the terms 'soft outcomes', 'soft indicators' ... Show more

Authors: Dewson, Sara; Eccles, Jude; Tackey, Nii Djan; Jackson, Annabel

Corporate authors: Institute for Employment Studies (Great Britain) (IES) [+] Show more

Published: Nottingham, England, DfEE Publications, 2000

Resource type: Government report or paper

Physical description: 26 + 22 p. (report) + 4 p. (brief)

Access item: Request Item from NCVER

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