There are five main themes running through the presentations from this vocational education and training (VET) research conference. The themes are: students and individuals; teaching and learning; industry and employers; VET system; and VET in context, with an additional stream, developing VET researchers for the future. Papers from this conference are indexed as they become available. Presentations include: 3rd wave reform: Qualifications and Skills for Tasmania Tomorrow [keynote address] / John Smyth; Closing the gap between teaching and learning styles: an internationalised pedagogy for off
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There are five main themes running through the presentations from this vocational education and training (VET) research conference. The themes are: students and individuals; teaching and learning; industry and employers; VET system; and VET in context, with an additional stream, developing VET researchers for the future. Papers from this conference are indexed as they become available. Presentations include: 3rd wave reform: Qualifications and Skills for Tasmania Tomorrow [keynote address] / John Smyth; Closing the gap between teaching and learning styles: an internationalised pedagogy for offshore VET / Wenjie Shi, Carolyn Woodley; TAFElink: a smarter way / Lidia Rozlapa, Justine Bradney; Learning, excellence and leadership: sporting approaches to VET / Mark Manado, Ruth Wallace; WIKI or wacky?: how useful are web-based research products?: a case study of adult literacy and numeracy research / Michelle Circelli; Metacognition and adaptive expertise: building research capability through effective use of online technology / Kerry Renwick and Jennifer Burrows; Outside the box: acknowledging and assessing wider learning outcomes / Darryl Dymock; Supporting women in non-traditional trade / Fiona Shewring; Learning in the workplace: who’s doing the teaching? / Richard McDermott; Ways of researching the impact of private providers on the Victorian VET system / Joan M. McPhee; VET information resources / Jeanne MacKenzie; Impact of NCVER’s research / John Stanwick, Jo Hargreaves, Francesca Beddie; Punctuated equilibrium: sustainable training and employment services for Aboriginal people and Aboriginal communities in Western Australia / Regina Hill and Chris Buckley; Change champions: every vocational education and training organisation needs them / Toni-Maree Pettigrew; Getting the knowledge/skills mix right in high-level qualifications / Annie Priest; First steps great leaps: technologies for learning: a vocational education and training (VET) professional development framework / Susan Todhunter; Dodging the bullets: design education as VET / Damon Cartledge; Should I stay? or should I go? The retirement intentions of an ageing VET practitioner workforce and its impact on VET organisations / Mark Harris; Equity of access to VET training and support for adults in the volunteer and paid workforce / June Hazzlewood; Skills for sustainability: growing a green collar economy [keynote address] / Oona Nielssen; Baby boomers and technologically assisted learning in VET / Kaye Bowman [this paper was based on the author’s report, ‘E-learning for the mature age worker: final report, December 2007 / prepared by Kaye Bowman and Peter Kearns’, indexed at TD/TNC 92.721]; Cross-sectoral award programs: how do students enrol? / Barbara Cram; Investigating the role of the manager in facilitating learning at work / Rosalind Carter; Beyond the Mayer Key Competencies / Mary Cushnahan; Make research work for you! / Suzy McKenna, Wendy Perry; Curriculum frameworks: another level of diversity confronting educators / Lauri Grace; Indigenous training and development project: using technology innovatively for low literacy learners / Chris Tayler, John Guenther; What’s happening to skill in Australian jobs? / Doug Fraser; Innovation and Challenger TAFE’s four paradigm model / Jennifer Nevard; TAFE institutes: innovation for workforce development / [presented by Wendy Katz for Martha Kinsman]; Labrats and labratettes: female participation in VET science courses / Craig Poole and Alicia Toohey; Industry Driven Education Appropriate Support / Lesley Wemyss; From welfare to work in the Tamar Valley: building skills into employment programs for disadvantaged job seekers / John Guenther, Harry Tams, Lisa Legge; Skills shortages and future skills requirements for the labour force / Angel Calderon and Lucy Stockdale; What keeps traditional apprentices in training?: findings from a National Training Statistics Committee project / Brian Knight; Are RPL targets reasonable?: predicting recognition rates in VET / Andrew Giles-Peters; A complex view of professional competence / Amanda Torr; Skills planning for industry change / Catherine Curry; Specialist degrees in the VET sector: the critical link / Robyn Clifford; Education and training systems for social inclusion [keynote address] / Rob Simons; Mind the gap: researching school leaver aspirations / Tom Stehlik; Is training for older workers paying off? / Martin Delaney; AQTF 2007 quality indicators resource package / Larry Foster; Process, quality and impact in VET research: the story of Consortium 2 / Roger Harris and Berwyn Clayton; Moral values for the workplace: implications for VET / Ian James; Calibration and chromatography: customising cadetships in applied biotechnology / Elizabeth Ruinard; Assessing institutional effectiveness: current practices and prospects for VET / David D. Curtis; TAFE in Australia and community colleges in Malaysia compared: how are students prepared for the workplace in mechanical engineering (Automotive) / Yusri Bin Kamin.
Workshops include: Including disenfranchised voices in VET research contexts / Alicia Boyle, Ruth Wallace and Catherine Curry; Common methodological problems in surveying within a TAFE environment / John Ward; So, you want to be a researcher? / Roger Harris, Berwyn Clayton and Suellen Priest; From research to implementation: a PD strategy for employability skills / Judy Gronold and Wendy Perry; Workforce development: the role of Registered Training Organisations / Wendy Perry; The ‘new’ VET researcher / Pauline de Vries, Gordon Thomson and Anne Bosio; Empowering e-portfolios / David Morgan, Ruth Wallace.
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Adelaide, South Australia, NCVER, 2008
Resource type: Conference
Physical description: various pagings