Theorising VET: European differences, commonalities and contestation

Context: [Vocational education and training] VET is faced with profound challenges in the post-COVID [Coronavirus Disease 2019] era: fundamental questions about the purposes of VET, its limitations and its theoretical justification, have acquired renewed importance. Across national boundaries in Europe, the theorisation of VET has been approached differently. One of the oldest theoretical rationales for VET was developed over a century ago in Germany under the name of 'Berufsbildungstheorie'. The difference between this and other countries has been variously associated with different VET syste... Show more

Authors: Esmond, Bill; Ketschau, Thilo J.; Schmees, Johannes Karl; Smeplass, Eli ... [+] Show more

Published: Bern, Switzerland, VETNET, 2023

Resource type: Conference paper

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