Social media use in the career development of graduate students: the mediating role of internship effectiveness and the moderating role of Zhongyong

This paper proves that social media use can contribute in important ways to employability outcomes. Specifically, results from a survey of 196 recent graduate students in China indicate that social media use is positively related to employability skills. Internship effectiveness serve as a mediating mechanism through which social media use affects employability skills. Zhongyong has a moderating effect on the social media use-internship effectiveness relationship. In addition to the direct moderating effect, Zhongyong is found to moderate the indirect relationship between social media use and ... Show more

Authors: He, Changqing; Gu, Jibao; Wu, Wei ... [+] Show more

Published: Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer Science+Business Media, 2017

Resource type: Article

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