Ten challenges and recommendations for advancing research on the effects of college on students

The first two volumes of 'How College Affects Students' constitute the most-cited publications in higher education research. Since these volumes were published, the literature on college impact has expanded greatly, which is at least partially the result of the nearly 500 journals focusing on the scholarship of teaching and learning internationally. In addition to the increase in the quantity of college impact research, methodological advancements and the changing notion of the higher education enterprise have further shaped the rigor and tenor of the literature. We draw on our experience and ... Show more

Authors: Seifert, Tricia A.; Bowman, Nicholas A.; Wolniak, Gregory C.; Rockenbach, Alyssa N. ... [+] Show more

Published: London, England, Sage for American Educational Research Association, 2017

Resource type: Article

Access item: https://doi.org/10.1177/2332858417701683

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