Hidden knowledge: working-class capacity in the ‘knowledge-based economy’

The research reported in this paper attempts to document the actual learning practices of working-class people in the context of the much heralded’ knowledge-based economy’. Our primary thesis is that working-class peoples’ indigenous learning capacities have been denied, suppressed, degraded or diverted within most capitalist schooling, adult education institutions and employer-sponsored training programs, at the same time as working class informal learning and tacit knowledge are heavily relied on to actually run paid workplaces. Our analysis is based on five case studies of Canadian union l ... Show more

Authors: Livingstone, David W.; Sawchuk, Peter H.

Published: Leicester, England, National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, 2005

Resource type: Article

Access item: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/niace/stea;jsessionid=21guhx7cg42xj.alice? Request Item from NCVER

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