1. Functional specifications for VET e-portfolio implementers and developers

    This resource was developed within the context of the national VET E-portfolio Guidelines and is designed to suppor... Show more

    Authors: O'Neill, Owen; Gladman, Kristena; Lapham, Bronwyn; Price, Dan

    Date: 2013

    Geographic subjects: Australia; Oceania

    Resource type: Guide

    Series name: National VET E-learning Strategy

    Subjects: Vocational education and training; Technology; Teaching and learning

  2. National guidelines for implementing e-portfolios in VET

    E-portfolios are learner-driven collections of digital artefacts articulating experiences, achievements and evidenc... Show more

    Authors: O'Neill, Owen; Miller, Allison; Gladman, Kristena; Lapham, Bronwyn

    Date: 2013

    Geographic subjects: Australia; Oceania

    Resource type: Guide

    Series name: National VET E-learning Strategy

    Subjects: Vocational education and training; Teaching and learning; Technology