'Painted from life ...': a disengaged youth?: young people and NEETs in a devastated country

This research paper presents and analyses the findings of the new [European Economic Area] EEA-funded large-scale research project entitled 'NEETs2' (EEA Grants/GR07-3757), which was completed in 2016. In brief, through primary nationwide quantitative and qualitative research), the project aimed, firstly, at the research-based mapping of the relationship between Greek [not in employment, education or training] NEETs and psychopathology - the sketching of their psychological profile - as well as the investigation of the impact of the economic crisis on their psychological profile and life cours... Show more

Authors: Papadakis, Nikos; Drakaki, Maria; Papargyris, Antonis ... [+] Show more

Published: London, England, Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies, 2017

Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

Physical description: 40 p.

Access item: http://www.llakes.ac.uk/sites/default/files/59. Papadakis et al.pdf

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