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items of 763 on page
- Y-NEET: empirical evidence for New Zealand (1)
- Y03 cohort: pivot tables (1)
- Y06 cohort: pivot tables (1)
- Y09 cohort: pivot tables (1)
- Yabberstick Princes Hill High School (1)
- Yalca: a partnership in education and training for the new millennium: Koorie education policy (1)
- Yandeyarra: a case study [videorecording] (1)
- Yarning the way: the role of Indigenous education paraprofessionals in guiding the post-school transitions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth (1)
- YASEP: Young Adult Sectoral Employment Project (1)
- Year 10 students and 'work': aspirations and perceptions (1)
- Year 10 to 12 student and teacher surveys: December 1995 (1)
- Year 12 attainment (1)
- Year 12 completion and retention in Australia in the 1990s (1)
- Year 12 completion and youth transitions (1)
- Year 12 completion and youth transitions: research overview (1)
- Year 12 in the 1980s (1)
- Year 12 outcomes and university selection under COVID (1)
- Year 12 schooling and the apprenticeship training contract (1)
- Year 12 student choices: a survey on factors influencing Year 12 decision-making on post-school destination, choice of university and preferred subject (1)
- Year 12 students and higher mathematics: emerging issues (1)
- Year 12 subjects and further study (1)
- Year 2000 Queensland Annual Vocational Education and Training Plan (1)
- Year book Australia: 2003: number 85 (1)
- Year book Australia: 2004 (1)
- Year book of labour statistics 1995 (1)
- Year in Industry: who gets access and what difference does it make?: access and awarding gaps in UK university undergraduate placement programmes (1)
- Yearbook of labour statistics 1998, 57th issue (1)
- Yearbook of labour statistics = Annuaire des statistiques du travail = Anuario de estadisticas del trabajo (1)
- Yearning for learning: engaging the disengaged through socially inclusive university-community partnerships (1)
- Years 9 to 12 Review Workshops, 19-20 February 2018: report (1)
- Yeast products: advanced certificate in hotel/restaurant patisserie (1)
- Yemen field epidemiology training programme: a tool for strengthening the public health workforce (1)
- Yemen Labour Force Survey 2013-14 (1)
- Yemen: ETF country analysis 2005 (1)
- Yes who?: a study of the characteristics of the May 1987 intake of Youth Employment Scheme participants (1)
- YES! the ultimate experience: a study of the final intake for the youth employment scheme (YES) (1)
- Yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks: contextualisation, embedding and mapping: the CEM model, a new way to define and engage staff and students in the delivery of an English language and study skills support programme: a case study of Heriot-Watt and Northumbria University (1)
- Yesterday's gone: exploring the future of Canada's labour market in a post-COVID world (1)
- Yet another pathway to college completion: CLEP exams (1)
- Yeyo learns along with me (1)
- You and your work: skills utilisation in Singapore (1)
- You better watch out, short stories of competition, surveillance, and compliance in the construction of vocational education English language teachers' professional identities in China (1)
- You can take the $ out of the $ocial but it doesn't make much 'cents': the learning 'community' as the means of reconciliation (1)
- You can too: adult learning in Australia: a consultation paper (1)
- You can't get there from here: five ways to clear roadblocks for college transfer students (1)
- You can't get there from here: uncovering differences in access to CTE programs in New York and Connecticut (1)
- You can't ignore us: what role does family play in student engagement and alienation in a Ghanaian university? (1)
- You could spread your wings: women, work and learning (1)
- You go girl!: trends in educational attainment of black women (1)
- You have to pay to play: housing costs and barriers to participation for student interns (1)