Australia's disability entrepreneurial ecosystem: experiences of people with disability with microenterprises, self-employment and entrepreneurship

People with disability (PwD) face great difficulty in getting access to the Australian economy. PwD have high unemployment rates while those who do get jobs often find them unsatisfactory. Establishing a business is one strategy to overcome these economic barriers. This report presents the findings of the first detailed research project on PwD self-employed entrepreneurs in Australia.

Key findings from this research include: (1) Education: entrepreneurs with disability lamented a lack of entrepreneurial education that may have alleviated common startup mistakes, costing them money, time and emo ... Show more

Authors: Darcy, Simon; Collins, Jock; Stronach, Megan

Published: Broadway, New South Wales, UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney, 2020

Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

Physical description: x, 41 p.

Access item: Disability Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Report 1 (Accessible).pdf

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