Evaluation of vocational training in custody: relationships between training, post-release employment and recidivism

Background: Offenders often have a relative lack of marketable skills and limited history of work experience. Correctional services across jurisdictions have attempted to remedy this by providing vocational training and work experience in custody through correctional industries. The goal is to provide offenders with a means to develop work ethic while learning valuable vocational skills and gaining practical work experience. These activities aim to assist offenders in obtaining employment after release from prison, with the view that doing so will improve an offender's re-entry into the commun ... Show more

Authors: Lindeman, Kym; Howard, Mark; De Almeida Neto, Abilio

Published: Sydney, New South Wales, Corrective Services NSW, 2017

Resource type: Government report or paper

Physical description: ii, 25 p.

Access item: https://correctiveservices.dcj.nsw.gov.au/documents/research-and-statistics/057-evaluation-vocational-training-post-release-emloyment-and-recidivism.pdf

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