Building a future: interim impact findings from the YouthBuild evaluation

Making the successful transition to adulthood has become more and more difficult for many American young people. Unemployment rates among young people are more than double those among older adults, and young people were hit especially hard by the recent recession of 2007-2009. YouthBuild is one program that attempts to help this group. YouthBuild is a federally and privately funded program operated at over 250 organizations nationwide, serving over 10,000 young people each year. Each organization provides construction-related training and may also provide training in other in-demand industries ... Show more

Authors: Miller, Cynthia; Millenky, Megan; Schwartz, Lisa; Goble, Lisbeth ... [+] Show more

Published: [New York, New York], MDRC, 2016

Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

Physical description: [144] p. (report) + vi, 10 p. (executive summary)

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