Developing graduate employability through partnerships with industry and professional associations

Students, employers and other stakeholders expect universities to help students maximise their potential to find suitable work, that is, to maximise their employability. For the purpose of this study 'employability' includes the skills required to obtain a new position and those required to maintain existing employment. The development of graduate employability within the student cohort is both complex and challenging for all stakeholders. In order to do this it is necessary to work in partnership with industry and professional bodies and to understand the changing market conditions for gradua ... Show more

Authors: Jollands, Margaret; Clarke, Bronwyn; Grando, Danilla; Hamilton, Margaret ... [+] Show more

Published: Sydney, New South Wales, Office for Learning and Teaching, 2016

Resource type: Government report or paper

Physical description: viii, 57 p. (report) + vii, 53 p. (short stories)

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