Why is the pipeline leaking?: experiences of young women in STEM vocational education and training and their adjustment strategies

Purpose: The paper investigates the perceptions of young women during their vocational education and training (VET) in traditionally male-dominated STEM fields - science, technology, engineering, and mathematics - by analyzing mechanisms and actions addressing the female gender in gender-atypical career fields and reveals strategies young women apply when adjusting to the male-dominated educational and professional fields. Design/methodology/approach: The data originate from semi-structured interviews with young women (N = 71) who had chosen a STEM career and who were enrolled in VET in Swiss ... Show more

Authors: Makarova, Elena; Aeschlimann, Belinda; Herzog, Walter

Published: Heidelberg, Germany, SpringerOpen, 2016

Resource type: Article

Access item: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40461-016-0027-y

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