Report by the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress
The Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress was created at the beginning of 2008 on [the] French government's initiative. Increasing concerns have been raised about the adequacy of current measures of economic performance, in particular those based on [gross domestic product] GDP figures. Moreover, there are broader concerns about the relevance of these figures as measures of societal well-being, as well as measures of economic, environmental, and social sustainability. Reflecting these concerns, President Sarkozy decided to create this Commission to look at t ... Show more
Authors: Stiglitz, Joseph E.; Sen, Amartya; Fitoussi, Jean-Paul
Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress
Published: [Paris, France], The Commission, 2010
Resource type: Report, paper or authored book
Physical description: 291 p.
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