Creating learning cultures: next steps in achieving the learning age: second report of the National Advisory Group for Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning

This is the second report of the National Advisory Group for Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning which was chaired by R. H. Fryer. It comprises advice to the United Kingdom (UK) Secretary of State for Education and Employment regarding the following issues: the contribution of lifelong learning to community development; the identification of means to promote access for those adults currently not engaged in education; measures to stimulate demand for learning from mature adults; and, identifying practical examples of effective partnerships for local delivery of lifelong learning. Followi ... Show more

Corporate authors: National Advisory Group for Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (NAGCELL)

Published: London, England, National Advisory Group for Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning, 1999

Resource type: Government report or paper

Physical description: 38 p.

Access item: Request Item from NCVER

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