Exploring the social and economic impacts of adult and community education

This publication reports on a study conducted by the Institute for Research into International Competitiveness, based in Western Australia, into the social and economic impacts of the adult and community education (ACE) sector. A survey was carried out of ACE providers (approximately 300 responses) and students (approximately 400 responses) which attested to the community and regional development role of ACE. The research also highlighted the benefits accruing to the disadvantaged and special interest groups in the community who otherwise might not participate in learning. The report includes ... Show more

Authors: Birch, Elisa; Kenyon, Peter; Koshy, Paul; Wills-Johnson, Nick

Corporate authors: National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)

Published: Adelaide, South Australia, NCVER, 2002

Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

Physical description: 50 p.

Access item: https://www.ncver.edu.au/research-and-statistics/publications/all-publications/exploring-the-social-and-economic-impacts-of-adult-and-community-education Request Item from NCVER

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