Defining and selecting key competencies

The OECD is developing internationally comparable indicators of skills and competencies, and of their roles in promoting individual, social, and economic wellbeing. Member countries are jointly developing a range of instruments for delivering relevant measures of learning outcomes and the distribution of skills among the population. However, there remains a need to develop the theoretical underpinning of the selection and definition of skills and competencies. To this end, the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (SFSO) has launched, within the framework of the OECD indicators project, a three-yea ... Show more

Authors: Rychen, Dominique Simone; Salganik, Laura Hersh

Published: Kirkland, Washington, Hogrefe and Huber, 2001

Resource type: Edited book

Physical description: vi, 251 p.

Access item: Request Item from NCVER

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