Vocational education and training (VET) career pathways for school students living with disability: working with employers

Research has shown that employers and industry are key partners in work-based learning and can hinder or enhance access to vocational education training (VET). Our capabilities approach focus concerns increasing employer understanding of what is involved in engaging in the work-based component of school-based VET for students with disability. It seeks to identify enhancers and barriers to both employer and student participation in work-based learning in workplaces and strategies to address the barriers. Using a qualitative approach, this interpretive research aims to answer the following princ ... Show more

Authors: Fischer, Sarah; Kilpatrick, Sue

Published: Burwood, Victoria, Deakin University, 2023

Resource type: Article

Access item: https://doi.org/10.21153/jtlge2023vol14no2art1797

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