Teaching language and literacy through the arts
Engaging in the arts can help with language and literacy development. The use of the arts to assist with language development has fast become internationally recognised for its unique and transformative approach to learning. With this in mind, the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) and VicTESOL recently collaborated to host a workshop for teachers, Teaching English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D) through the Arts at the NGV on 17 March 2023. This article provides a detailed description of the workshop and advocates for the establishment of a program with a focus on the arts in EAL/D ... Show more
Authors: Davies, Carmel; Duff, Sharon; Smith, Sally; Whitehurst, Jodie
Published: Springvale South, Victoria, Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council, 2023
Resource type: Article
Access item: Request Item from NCVERPublisher or alternative source
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