Stigma, stereotypes and support: the 3S in navigating complex journeys from Intensive English Centres to higher education for students from refugee backgrounds in Australia

This study examined the experiences of students from refugee backgrounds (SfRBs) as they transitioned from Intensive English Centres (IECs) based at metropolitan high schools in Western Australia (WA) into higher education. Focus group discussions revealed that SfRBs were highly motivated and held aspirations for completion of tertiary study. Enabling factors included a supportive IEC environment, social and family support and tailored university enabling courses. However, students also faced barriers such as competing priorities, learning difficulties remaining undiagnosed and standardised te ... Show more

Authors: Gower, Shelley; Dantas, Jaya

Published: Amsterdam, Netherlands, Springer Netherlands, 2022

Resource type: Article

Access item: Publisher or alternative source

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