Equality, diversity and excellence: advancing the national higher education equity framework
This project analysed the position of the higher education sector in relation to equity outcomes and the success of various initiatives as well as the development of a blueprint for the planning and management of equity in that sector through to the year 2000. The targeted equity groups were those identified in ‘A fair chance for all’ (1990), (indexed at TD/ERD 87.195): women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, non-English speaking background people, those from rural and isolated areas, and people with disabilities. Includes ... Show more
Australia. National Board of Employment, Education and Training. Higher Education Council (HEC)
Published: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1996
Resource type: Government report or paper
Physical description: xxi, 133 p.
Access item: Request Item from NCVER
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