Reforms have been underway in South Australia to develop a more responsive, flexible training system, that is easy to navigate and geared towards workforce needs. This involved a review of the 'Training and Skills Development Act (T&SD Act) 2008', the legislation which governs apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia. That led to the 'Training and Skills Development (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill' being passed through Parliament in late 2020. The 'South Australian Skills Act (SAS Act)', which will amend the T&SD Act, is expected to come into operation on 1 July 2021. Collectively, t
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Reforms have been underway in South Australia to develop a more responsive, flexible training system, that is easy to navigate and geared towards workforce needs. This involved a review of the 'Training and Skills Development Act (T&SD Act) 2008', the legislation which governs apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia. That led to the 'Training and Skills Development (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill' being passed through Parliament in late 2020. The 'South Australian Skills Act (SAS Act)', which will amend the T&SD Act, is expected to come into operation on 1 July 2021. Collectively, the SAS Act, the regulations and the standards will provide a contemporary framework for skills and workforce development. The SAS Act also establishes the new South Australian Skills Commission and South Australian Skills Commissioner.
The review was guided by a four member independent advisory panel which has extensive experience in vocational education and training (VET), industry and dual sector training delivery and skills delivery. There was also broad public consultation between 22 May 2019 to 19 June 2019, including with the key statutory bodies established by the Act, namely, the Training and Skills Commission and the Training Advocate. The review was in line with key recommendations in the Training and Skills Commission's Skills for future jobs 2020 series: 'Future-proofing the apprenticeship and traineeship system' report [available in VOCEDplus at TD/TNC 136.892].
Further consultation has included changes to the Training and Skills Development (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2020 between 2 July to 20 August 2020 and South Australian Skills Regulations and Standards which closed 17 May 2021. The documents released for this review include: Terms of reference for the review of the Training and Skills Development Act 2008 (SA); Issues paper 1: governance and regulation; Issues paper 2: promoting new apprenticeship and traineeship pathways; Issues paper 3: responsive legislation; Issues paper 4: modern, best practice legislation; Review of the Training and Skills Development Act 2008 consultation outcomes report 2019; Consultation outcomes report: Training and Skills Development (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2020; South Australian Skills Act: regulations and standards consultation; South Australian Skills Regulations 2021: under the South Australian Skills Act 2008; South Australian Skills Standard complaint handling, mediation and advocacy; South Australian Skills (Fees) Notice 2021: under the South Australian Skills Act 2008.
Edited excerpts from publications and publisher's websites.
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Corporate authors:
South Australian Government
[Adelaide, South Australia], Department for Innovation and Skills, 2021
Resource type: Government report or paper
Physical description: various pagings