A guide to practitioner research in international education

This guide is intended for anyone working in international education who is interested in conducting research and/or systematically reflecting on practice and sharing insights to benefit others. It aims to enhance the way practitioners undertake research and assist them in producing more robust and widely disseminated outcomes.

The guide focuses on opportunities to combine research with professional practice in the international education sector. It addresses: (1) Varieties of practitioner research; (2) Resourcing practitioner research; (3) Ethical issues in practitioner research; and; (4) Diss ... Show more

Authors: Saubert, Shanna; Ziguras, Christopher

Published: Melbourne, Victoria, International Education Association of Australia and NAFSA: Association of International Educators, 2020

Resource type: Guide

Physical description: 30 p.

Access item: https://www.ieaa.org.au/IEAA/research/Publication/2020/a-guide-to-practitioner-research-in-international-education.aspx

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