JobTrainer Fund Schedule
This Schedule establishes shared funding arrangements between the Commonwealth and states and territories (the states) for the JobTrainer Fund (the Fund). The Fund will support a rapid increase in low or no fee training places for job seekers, school leavers and young people in areas of identified skills need and/or employment growth, to support them into employment as Australia emerges from the [Coronavirus Disease 2019] COVID-19 pandemic. This Schedule is expected to expire on 31 August 2022.
Excerpts from publication.
The April 2022 Schedule incorporates the extensions to the Fund announced b ... Show more
Australia. Council on Federal Financial Relations (CFFR)
Published: [Canberra, Australian Capital Territory], Council on Federal Financial Relations, 2022
Resource type: Government information
Physical description: [18] p. + [25] p.
Access item:
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