TRACKTION project contribution to the field of graduate tracking in TVET
The TRACKTION Baseline study [available in VOCEDplus at TD/TNC 135.881] provided a concise summary of the state of the art tracking and alumni initiatives in nine vocational education and training (VET) schools in four European countries (Estonia, Italy, Netherlands and Spain). All nine Schools tracked their initial vocational education and training (IVET) graduates in a standard way so that the data could be compared. The conclusions derived from the baseline study informed the design of a new tracking protocol with three key requirements in mind: (1) It should meet data requirements of proto ... Show more
Authors: Garcia, Maria Del Mar Romero; Rodriguez, Ivan Diego
Published: Asturias, Spain, VALNALON, 2020
Resource type: Report, paper or authored book
Physical description: 96 p.
Access item:
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