Which postsecondary programs had high levels of international student enrolment prior to COVID-19?
Colleges and universities in Canada have increasingly relied on international students as a source of revenue over the last decade or so. This increased reliance on international enrolments has raised concerns amid the [Coronavirus Disease 2019] COVID-19 pandemic, as physical distancing directives may affect programs that require in-person contact through laboratory or studio work, internships, or music recitals. To provide insights into how COVID-19 could potentially impact postsecondary institutions, this article provides estimates of the share of enrolments that were international by academ ... Show more
Authors: Frenette, Marc; Choi, Youjin; Doreleyers, April
Published: Ottawa, Ontario, Statistics Canada, 2020
Resource type: Government report or paper
Physical description: [5] p.
Access item: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/catalogue/45280001202000100032
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