Trading up or trading off?: understanding recent changes to England's apprenticeships system
This report addresses the implications changes to the apprenticeships system in England. From 2017, large firms were required to pay 0.5 per cent of their wage bill into an apprenticeship levy, while regulations on training and delivery were firmed up. Two years on, this briefing note takes stock of the system, looking at what's changed, why and where policy makers should consider moving next. The system today is smaller: there were 25 per cent (124,000) fewer apprenticeship starts in 2017/18 than there were in 2014/15 and this fall was primarily driven by a reduction in starts at lower levels ... Show more
Authors: Henehan, Kathleen
Published: London, England, Resolution Foundation, 2019
Resource type: Report, paper or authored book
Physical description: 32 p.
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