Maximising the value of apprenticeships to Wales

The Welsh Government has decided to retain Apprenticeship Frameworks and qualifications rewarding apprentices' achievements, and not to introduce a voucher scheme enabling employers directly to commission training providers, using money from the UK Apprenticeship Levy. This moves Wales decisively away from English precedents. As such, apprenticeships in Wales are at a crossroads. This independent report undertaken by Beyond Standards on behalf of City and Guilds and the National Training Federation for Wales (NTfW) provides advice on how Wales might develop an exemplary apprenticeships system. ... Show more

Authors: Sherlock, David; Perry, Nicky

Published: London, England, City and Guilds, National Training Federation for Wales, 2019

Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

Physical description: 39 p. (report) + [8] p. (City and Guilds response)

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