The effectiveness of the traineeship model

The traineeship model is currently targeted at a broader group of people compared with the original target group of young unemployed persons as envisaged by the Kirby Enquiry (the Kirby report, 'Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Labour Market Programs' is indexed at TD/LMR 86.649). The study reported here aims to assess the effectiveness of the model for young people, particularly young early school leavers. The findings suggest that traineeships are an important pathway for female early school leavers. However, traineeships are poorly targeted if the target group is disadvantaged young ... Show more

Authors: Karmel, Tom; Blomberg, Davinia; Vnuk, Monica

Published: Adelaide, South Australia, NCVER, 2010

Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

Physical description: 55 p.

Access item: Request Item from NCVER

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