#eSkills4Girls: how to integrate digital literacy in national education systems

Under Germany's G20 presidency in 2017, the initiative #eSkills4Girls was launched to improve digital skills and employment perspectives for girls and women in particular in low income and developing countries. The Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) organised a workshop to address questions related to the integration of digital literacy in education systems with a special focus on girls and young women. The aim of the workshop was to stimulate a dialogue that includes different perspectives from academia, policy makers, private sector, non-governmental and internatio ... Show more

Authors: Magee, Keith; Miyandazi, Ruth; Srikantaiah, Deepa; Bhullar, Naureen ... [+] Show more

Published: Bonn, Germany, GIZ, 2017

Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

Physical description: 23 p.

Access item: https://mia.giz.de/qlink/ID=243766000

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