Rethinking youth, livelihoods, and fragility in West Africa: one size doesn't fit all

Africa's population is young and growing at twice the pace of other continents. A youth bulge presents a series of development policy opportunities and challenges. In this context, simplistic linkages between the youth bulge, high unemployment, and fragility have gained traction and given rise to a youth policy agenda that targets urban male youth as the problem and emphasizes formal sector development as the solution. This [report] questions some of the core assumptions that underpin mainstream perceptions of the linkages between youth, employment, and fragility in West Africa, and presents a ... Show more

Authors: Fortune, Francis; Ismail, Olawale; Stephen, Monica

Published: Washington, District of Columbia, World Bank, 2015

Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

Physical description: 43 p.

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Subjects: YouthEmploymentPolicy

Keywords: Youth at riskUnemploymentUnderemployment

Geographic subjects: Africa

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