Innovations in apprenticeship: 5 case studies that illustrate the promise of apprenticeship in the United States

Apprenticeship is a workforce-training model that combines on-the-job training with classroom-based instruction and has been proven to benefit employers, employees, and the overall economy. Apprenticeships allow businesses to meet the growing demand for skilled workers, and they lead workers to higher wages and better employment outcomes. Furthermore, they are a smart public investment. A recent study in Washington State found that for every $1 in state investment in apprenticeships, taxpayers received $23 in net benefits, a return that far exceeds that of any other workforce-training program ... Show more

Authors: Steinberg, Sarah Ayres; Gurwitz, Ethan

Published: Washington, District of Columbia, Center for American Progress, 2014

Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

Physical description: 20 p.

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