Special Educational Needs and Disability Pathfinder Programme evaluation: thematic report: provision for older young people, aged 19-25
SQW was commissioned by the UK Department for Education to lead a consortium of organisations to undertake the evaluation of the Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disabilities Pathfinder Programme. This report focuses on the approach being taken to support a particular sub-group of the pathfinder cohort, young people aged 19 plus, based on evidence gathered from five case study areas (four pathfinder areas and one non-pathfinder area). The report provides further insight into two broad areas: the criteria and guidance which will inform support to this client group; and the nature of provisio ... Show more
Authors: Thom, Graham; Agur, Maya
Published: Runcorn, England, Department for Education, 2014
Resource type: Government report or paper
Physical description: 20 p.
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