Higher Educators Advancing the Disability Standards - Universities online Project

The Disability Standards for Education (DSE) were published in 2005 to clarify the obligations of Australian education providers under the Disability Discrimination Act (1992) which seeks to eliminate discrimination against people with disabilities. The key object of the DSE is to establish processes and structures aimed at enabling students with disability to engage in education on the same basis as all other students. This means that a student or prospective student with disability is given opportunities and choices which are comparable to those for students without disabilities. HEADS-UP (H ... Show more

Authors: Kilham, Chris; Zilber, David; Christian, Mark

Published: Sydney, New South Wales, Office for Learning and Teaching, 2014

Resource type: Government report or paper

Physical description: 67 p.

Access item: https://ltr.edu.au/resources/CG10_1582_Kilham_Report_2014.pdf

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