A surfboard for riding the wave: towards a four country action programme on research data
This report calls for a collaborative data infrastructure that will enable researchers and other stakeholders from education, society and business to use, re-use and exploit research data to the maximum benefit of science and society. This paper presents an overview of the present situation with regard to research data in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom and offers broad outlines for a possible action programme for the four countries in realising the envisaged collaborative data infrastructure. An action programme at the level of four countries needs the involvement of ... Show more
Authors: Graaf, Maurits van der; Waaijers, Leo
Published: Copenhagen, Denmark, Knowledge Exchange, 2011
Resource type: Report, paper or authored book
Physical description: 39 p.
Access item: http://repository.jisc.ac.uk/6200/1/KE_Surfboard_Riding_the_Wave_Screen.pdf https://knowledge-exchange.info/projects/project/research-data/riding-the-wave
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