Creating a future direction for Australian vocational education and training: a discussion paper on the future of the VET system

Fundamental changes to vocational education, including a user-pays funding model, a transformed apprenticeship system and the partial merger of TAFEs and universities, have been put forward by Skills Australia in this discussion paper. The paper describes vocational training as a system suffering from declining funding, stagnant enrolments and a lack of national co-ordination. In the paper, Skills Australia has put forward a range of options including: (1) a transformed funding model which would effectively make students and business the main source of income; (2) a restructure of the apprenti ... Show more

Corporate authors: Skills Australia

Published: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Commonwealth of Australia, 2010

Resource type: Government report or paper

Physical description: 94 p.

Access item: Request Item from NCVER

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