TAFE in Australia: report on needs in technical and further education, April 1974 [Kangan report]
On 26 April, 1973, the then Australian Minister for Education, the Hon. Kim E. Beazley, announced the appointment of the Australian Committee on Technical and Further Education (ACOTAFE) to ‘… advise the Australian government on the development of technical and further education in Australia and … make recommendations for financial assistance to State technical and further education institutions’. The terms of reference were that the information and advice will include: (a) priorities within needs and appropriate measures to be undertaken by the Australian government; (b) the amount and alloca ... Show more
Australian Committee on Technical and Further Education (ACOTAFE)
Published: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1974
Resource type: Government report or paper
Physical description: 2 v.
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