Midwifery education: literature review and additional material

The National Review of Nursing Education 2002 was initiated in April 2001 to examine the future nursing educational needs of the health, community and aged care system in Australia and to provide advice on appropriate education policy and funding frameworks. The Review commissioned a wide range of research and six literature reviews. This literature review examines the quality, nature and process of midwifery education in Australia. Over the last two decades, midwifery education has moved from hospital locations and teaching to universities. The introduction of innovative maternity services ha ... Show more

Authors: Leap, Nicky; Barclay, Lesley; Nagy, Elizabeth; Sheehan, Athena ... [+] Show more

Published: [Canberra, Australian Capital Territory], [Department of Education, Science and Training], 2002

Resource type: Government report or paper

Physical description: [142] p.

Access item: https://web.archive.org/web/20050722235313/http://www.dest.gov.au/archive/highered/nursing/pubs/midwifery_03_2002/NRNE_0302_contents.htm Request Item from NCVER

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