Transition from elite to mass higher education: an international conference sponsored by the Australian Department of Employment, Education and Training in association with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: conference proceedings 15-18 June 1993, Darling Harbour Sydney, Australia
The shift from elite to mass participation in higher education is a trend which has occurred in many countries throughout the world, including Australia, over the past decade. This conference traced the extend of the shift and examined the major policy implications for higher education systems. The conference papers and presenters include: OECD background paper: higher education: an overview of issues in OECD countries; The transition from elite to mass higher education systems: overview and current issues by Luis Valadares Tavares; Mass higher education: problems and challenges by Gus Guthrie ... Show more
Published: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1993
Resource type: Conference
Physical description: ii, 97 p.
Access item: Request Item from NCVER
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